Every pre-registered attendee at the 1994 Machine Learning Conference and 1994 Computational Learning Theory Conference received a badge labeled with a "+" or "-". The labeling was due to some function known only to the badge generator (Haym Hirsh), and it depended only on the attendee's name. The goal for conference attendees was to identify the unknown function used to generate the +/- labeling.



A data frame with 294 observations on the following 2 variables.

  1. badge

  2. name


  • Creator: Haym Hirsh, after an idea by Rob Schapire

  • Donor: Haym Hirsh (hirsh@cs.rutgers.edu)

  • Date: September, 1994


ML94/COLT94 Badge Problem. Badges labeled with a "+" or "-" as a function of a person's name. Part of the problem in using an automated program to discover the unknown target function is to decide how to encode names such that the program can be used. The data below are presented in the form of a +/- label followed by the person's name. It is up to the learning-system user to decide how to convert this data into something usable by the system (e.g., what attributes to use if your favorite learner requires feature-vector data).


