This dataset is about the results of Statlog project. The project performed a comparative study between Statistical, Neural and Symbolic learning algorithms. Project StatLog (Esprit Project 5170) was concerned with comparative studies of different machine learning, neural and statistical classification algorithms. About 20 different algorithms were evaluated on more than 20 different datasets. The tests carried out under project produced many interesting results.



A data frame with 528 observations on the following 22 variables.

  1. DS_Name

  2. T

  3. N

  4. p

  5. k

  6. Bin

  7. Cost

  8. SDratio

  9. correl

  10. cancor1

  11. cancor2

  12. fract1

  13. fract2

  14. skewness

  15. kurtosis

  16. Hc

  17. Hx

  18. MCx

  19. EnAtr

  20. NSRatio

  21. Alg_Name

  22. Norm_error


  1. Creator: LIACC - University of Porto R.Campo Alegre 823 4150 PORTO

  2. Donor: P.B.Brazdil or J.Gama Tel.: +351 600 1672 LIACC, University of Porto Fax.: +351 600 3654 Rua Campo Alegre 823 Email: 4150 Porto, Portugal

  3. Date: March, 1996

Acknowlegements: LIACC wishes to thank Commission of European Communities for their support. Also, we wish to thank the following partners for providing the individual test results:

  • Dept. of Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

  • Dept. of Statistics, University of Leeds, UK

  • Aston University, Birmingham, UK

  • Forschungszentrum Ulm, Daimler-Benz AG, Germany

  • Brainware GmbH, Berlin, Germany

  • Frauenhofer Gesellschaft IITB-EPO, Berlin, Germany

  • Institut fuer Kybernetik, Bochum, Germany

  • ISoft, Gif sur Yvette, France

  • Dept. of CS and AI, University of Granada, Spain


Meta-Data was used in order to give advice about which classification method is appropriate for a particular dataset (taken from results of Statlog project).


  • "Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Learning" Eds. D.Michie,D.J.Spiegelhalter and C.Taylor Ellis Horwood-1994

  • "Characterizing the Applicability of Classification Algorithms Using Meta-Level Learning", P. Brazdil, J.Gama and B.Henery: in Proc. of Machine Learning - ECML-94, ed. F.Bergadano and Raedt,LNAI Vol.784 Springer-Verlag.

  • "Characterization of Classification Algorithms" J.Gama, P.Brazdil in Proc. of EPIA 95, LNAI Vol.990 Springer-Verlag, 1995